Your Driving Record
When you have many bills to pay, it is helpful to find ways to save money. One of the cost saving ways people often look in to is reducing the price of their car insurance by switching companies. A good driving history is essential to getting car insurance that is not going to cost you an arm and a leg. If you have a history of accidents and speeding tickets then that can make finding cheap car insurance even harder. Make sure you always drive safely and courteously. If you have points against you on your driving record then consider taking driving classes to help reduce them.
Make a List
Sit down with a pen and paper, and make a list of what you are looking for in an insurance policy. There are many extra options available for coverage on accidents caused by uninsured drivers, towing if your vehicle breaks down, and car rental if need a car to drive while yours is being repaired from an accident. Each area has specifics as to what levels of insurance drivers are to keep, so don’t forget to include that. Also, think about what you want in customer service. Some insurance companies operate strictly online, but they are available to talk to 24 hours a day. Small mom and pop places have limited times of operation with service that treats you like family. Also, don’t forget to list what discounts and bonuses you are interested in. Often companies give bonuses to those who still have existing insurance coverage that has not expired. Others lower rates by a specific percentage for each year you don’t have an accident. Write down what you think you might qualify for. Once you have made your list, it is time to start comparing.
Finding Companies
Locating a car insurance company in your area is fairly easy. You can always search online for a list of them. For people who like doing things the old fashioned way they can look through the phone book in the insurance listings. Word of mouth often works the best though. Talk to people you know about which company they prefer. Ask them questions about their happiness with the rates they have and how the insurance company treated them if they ever had any claims filed. Make sure you look for companies with a solid history of conducting ethical business. Check for any complaints filed against them. Call and ask about their credentials and licenses. Then, chose a few of the companies you found to get rates from.
Compare Car Insurance Rates
Make a Decision
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